CARtoons (engl.)

by Andy Singer

coverIt looks at the impact of automobiles on American Society and the world. It features over 85 cartoons and illustrations by Andy Singer, as well as facts, figures, resources, a foreword by Jane Holtz Kay (author of Asphalt Nation) and an afterword by Randy Ghent of Carbusters. The images in it may be freely reproduced for the non-profit use of individuals or groups fighting cars.

  • 100 Seiten, über 85 Cartoons & Illustrationen
  • Paperback, Format: 14,8 x 21 cm (0,5 cm), minimaler Seitenknick
  • 8,00 Euro/Stück.

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"Ich hör nix mehr, ich sehe immer schlechter. Ich kann praktisch nur mehr Autofahren."

--- Leopold Kohr